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Alia من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏14 أبريل 2014 م

Really appreciate your excellent service and customer satisfaction!

Ray من الولايات المتحدة ‏14 أبريل 2014 م

Just received my sons package you guys rock I ordered Friday and here Monday! I have ordered from over seas plenty of times and you guys were the fastest company u have delt with THANKX again and I will be ordering soon

Iωάννα Φαρμάκη من اليونان ‏14 أبريل 2014 م

Σας χρωστάω! Ευχαριστώ θερμά για την άψογη εξυπηρέτηση σας και τον τέλειο επαγγελματισμό σας. Με εκτίμηση, Ιωάννα

Τόνια من اليونان ‏11 أبريل 2014 م

Γεια σας...μολις παρελαβα την παραγγελια ειναι ολα υπεροχα,σας ευχαριστω για την αμεση εξυπηρετηση και την προθυμια σας για την σημαντικη βοηθεια που μου προσφερατε. Το site το συνιστω ανεπιφυλακτα σε ολους τους Ελληνες!! Επισης ευχαριστω προσωπικα την κ.Ελενη για την πολυτιμη βοηθεια...να εχετε ολοι καλες γιορτες!! Με εκτιμηση Τονια!!

Montse Masip Plans‏9 أبريل 2014 م

Good afternoon, Yesterday I received my order very quickly. Your service is excellent and the quality of your clothes is very good. Thank you, Kind regards, Montse

Christine من اليونان ‏9 أبريل 2014 م

Thank you Children Salon!!!!!!!! Super customer service! Order arrived on time, in excellent condition! One of the few UK e-shop that deliver in Greece. Great that I can track my order anytime!

Esra من البحرين ‏8 أبريل 2014 م

She check where I'm from to give me the perfect advice about the product if it is suitable for summer or not ..quick response..

Mendez من الولايات المتحدة ‏8 أبريل 2014 م

Thanks a lot u guys are awesome

Joy من المملكة المتحدة ‏7 أبريل 2014 م

Just wanted to thank you for the most amazing service. my order was dispached and sent promply and i love the nice packaging and little treat you included! Keep up the great work and looking forward to ordering with you again.

Khalid seead من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏6 أبريل 2014 م

موقع جداً رائع

Andrea Wynn من سان بارتليمي ‏6 أبريل 2014 م

live chat is fab. Big thanks to both Jaimie and Emma for your excellent customer service and for being friendly . Can't wait to my adorable simonetta skirt. Love dressing my baby girl up!!

wafa alsaadi من قطر ‏5 أبريل 2014 م

من افضل المواقع التي تعاملت معها مصداقيه سعه صدر شكراً لكم و اتمني التوفيق الدائم

Natasha من قطر ‏5 أبريل 2014 م

Dear Children salon team, thank you so much for the order everything is ok i got my items, i am glade and proud of you guys for the services, quality of items...Thank you again!!

Khuloud من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏4 أبريل 2014 م

Kindly be informed that I've received my order just now! Im very pleased with it. It took 2 days to get it. . .which is SUPER, thank you dear for your cooperation and swift action, really appreciated. Kind Regrads & Have a lovely weekend

sheika من قطر ‏4 أبريل 2014 م

The Best website at all ...Thanks

Светлана من روسيا ‏4 أبريل 2014 م

Большое спасибо! Отличный сервис. Делала заказ три раза , очень довольна , доставка не заставила себя долго ждать. Вещи хорошо упакованы, всегда сладкий подарок. Доченька довольна!

Gunnel من أذربيجان ‏3 أبريل 2014 م

I had some orders from your site.I was really glad.The quality was excellent of all goods.And every time you send me some candies.May be these are little things but it shows your kindness to clients.Thank you very very much for everything.You are the best!:)

Marchina من هولندا ‏3 أبريل 2014 م

I would like to thank you for the excellent service and for sure i Will buy product from your company more often!

Danny من أستراليا ‏3 أبريل 2014 م

Thank you heaps again, you guys do a great job! Cheers

Iva Dimova‏3 أبريل 2014 م

Very fast and friendly! Thank you!

diala من لبنان ‏2 أبريل 2014 م

thank u childrensalon ,very fast shipping, friendly live chat team..,you r the best internet shop for children clothing,thannnnnk youuu

Shareefa Alkhashram من الكويت ‏2 أبريل 2014 م

All thanks and appreciation to you and I can not Describe the happiness you By treating the excellent Thank you :)

Chiara من إيطاليا ‏2 أبريل 2014 م

Every detail is perfect!

Adele من المملكة المتحدة ‏2 أبريل 2014 م

I have ordered circa ten items from your store and have been very impressed with the quality, service and packaging. All garments were received in perfect condition

Aljohara من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏1 أبريل 2014 م

Wow. Just amazing superp and outstanding service and politeness. You are an example for what good service is. Keep it that way .

Reem من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏1 أبريل 2014 م

انتم الموقع الافضل بالنسبة لي دائما وابدا، لا تكفي الكلمات في حقكم، فأنتم ذو جوده عاليه في كل شي، اشكركم كثيرا من كل قلبي، فأنتم تستحقون ذلك

Syra Ghaffar من المملكة المتحدة ‏1 أبريل 2014 م

Children salon has a huge selection of designers to choose from once I had chosen my daughters desired outfit i was very eager to receive my parcel. Once order was confirmed I was able track my order. I was very pleased with to receive my parcel it was fast and efficient. Also the staff were very helpful. We loved her outfit and order from there regularly xx

Zarina من كازاخستان ‏1 أبريل 2014 م

One of the best internet shop for children. Fast shipping. Thank you Childrensalon.com

Ghada من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏31 مارس 2014 م

Childrensalon.com is definitely my favorite place to shop for my 4 years old since she was only 6 months old..

Muna من سان بارتليمي ‏30 مارس 2014 م

This is the best website and service i have ever seen .... its really amazing and i will always deal with you to buy my baby cloths. thanks for such a service and being so great within the market which is rare to find nowadays.

sheikha من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏28 مارس 2014 م

Thanks alot ... you are my favourite website and best service

abeer من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏27 مارس 2014 م

احب ان اشكر سالون تشيلدرن على التعامل المريح والراقي ببساطه تامه انه افضل موقع للاطفال سرعه في التوصيل واهتمام شديد بالزبون و طاقم عمل يستحق جزيل الشكر والمحبه "احب سالون تشلدرن "

Marita من فنلندا ‏27 مارس 2014 م

Iso Kiitos! Tilasin täältä tyttärelleni Juicy Couturen nukenrattaat, aivan samanlaiset, kuin hänelle olin ostanut Harrodsilta, kun hän oli syntynyt. Loistava idea tehdä kopio nukenrattaiksi:) Childrensalonin viestittäminen ja toimitus hienoa!!! Tuotteet aivan ihastuttavia, näille sivuilla on ilo käydä ja ihastua!!!

Sally من نيوزيلندا ‏27 مارس 2014 م

Very friendly and helpful, and provided quick answers.

Khulood من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏27 مارس 2014 م

Kindly be informed that I've received my order just now! Im very pleased with it. It took 2 days to get it. . .which is SUPER, thank you dear for your cooperation and swift action, really appreciated.

Nada من كرواتيا ‏26 مارس 2014 م

I am very pleased with the service all nicely packaged and quickly come.Thanks and regards

Yiango من قبرص ‏25 مارس 2014 م

Best attitute and proffessionalism

Santi من الولايات المتحدة ‏21 مارس 2014 م

I am so happy they carry great selection for my boy and girl ,very please,fast n reliable

Наталья من روسيا ‏21 مارس 2014 م

Спасибо огромное команде Childrensalon за очень чуткое и внимательное отношение к покупателям и за отличный сервис, которого зачастую не хватает отечественным онлайн магазинам.Заказала дочке сапожки, доставка экспресс через 10 дней-отлично! Сапожки супер, очень довольны и дочка и я !!! Еще раз спасибо, буду рекомендовать вас всем своим знакомым

Donna من كندا ‏20 مارس 2014 م

I Love your stuff, your fast in delivery, and quick at answering any concerns or questions. Exceptional service.