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Outdoor Activities for Kids

The great outdoors is a wonderful place to be, providing the perfect backdrop to fun activities, learning new skills and seeking out adventure — plus, fresh air is proven to boost your mood and increase energy levels. And with kids spending more time than ever in front of screens, what better way to reconnect with one another and nature than getting out and about for the day. 

With that in mind, we've created a list of ten activities you can enjoy as a family, making the most of the environment on your doorstep and spending quality time together. From berry picking to stargazing, you're sure to find something the kids will love.

8 Jun 2021


Pick up your wellies or jellies and head to a shallow stream or the beach for a paddle. The kids could take a small net to discover what wildlife inhabit the water before setting them free again.

Plant a flowerbed

Find a spot in your garden to create a flowerbed or plant a hanging basket. Head to the garden centre and let the kids pick out their own plants or seeds. At home, they can design and plant their flowerbed and enjoy the responsibility of watering the soil to keep the plants hydrated.

Berry picking

A quintessential English pastime, we are so fortunate to have a wealth of beautiful spots to go berry picking. June is the prime time for strawberries and raspberries so look up your local spots and head over with the kids. Berry picking is a brilliant way to while away a couple of hours and keep the kids engaged and entertained. Don’t forget to take bowls to gather up your pickings.

Skim stones

Find a quiet lake to skim stones on the calm surface. Children can enjoy hunting for the perfect shaped skimming stones to throw. Add an element of competition and see who can skim their stone the furthest.

Paint stones

Go out on a walk and collect stones or rocks to take home and paint. Draw or paint on the stones at home – you could even make a collection with your favourite story as a theme. In many places there are local stone hunts where children leave their painted stones on a walk for other children to find. If there isn’t a stone hunt currently happening in your area, why not start one up. Begin a local group to record where the stones have been found. Remember that once found, the lucky finder can choose another spot to hide it in as well as hiding their own painted stone if they would like to.

Evening stargazing

Grab some blankets, cushions and a telescope and head outside on a clear evening to gaze at the stars. Pick up a book of patterns to look out for from your local library and see how many you can spot. Hot chocolates make the perfect accompaniment.

Shell hunt

Make the most of a day trip to the beach and hunt for seashells. With so many different shapes and sizes, gather them up and create a display at home on your windowsill.

Scavenger hunt

Design a scavenger hunt or find a local spot that is already hosting one. This keeps the kids engaged and running around in the great outdoors and is often rewarded with a treat at the end. Pencils, clipboards and running shoes at the ready for a fun-filled outing.

Insect safari

Go on an insect safari in your garden or local park – there is so much wildlife just outside your door. Give the kids a pencil and a clipboard so they can record every life form they find. You could even set it up as a scavenger hunt to really build up the excitement with a prize offering for completing the activity.

Obstacle course

Make your own obstacle course in your garden or park. You can use what you have to make a fun trail. Give the kids a stopwatch and let them time each other completing the course.

Join in the fun

Did you enjoy one of the activities suggested above? We love to see you taking part so don’t forget to tag us in your photos @childrensalon #CSGoOutdoors

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